Animating two elements on scroll at specific point with speed problem

Trying to create an animation with two different images once a user reaches a specific point on the page. The animation works, but there is an issue when using a trackpad - the movement appears slow compared to scrolling with a mouse. I've already attempted setting the queue animation to false without success.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Here is my code:

<div class="logo-cnt">
    <div class="logo-glyph">
    <img src="">
    <div class="logo-typeface">
        <img src="">

<div class="lq">


jQuery :

var position = $('.lq').offset().top;
$(document).scroll(function () {
    var y = $(this).scrollTop();
    if(y > position){
        $(".logo-typeface").stop().animate({right:50, opacity:0}, 100, "linear");
        $(".logo-glyph").stop().animate({left:63}, 100);  
        $(".logo-typeface").stop().animate({right:0, opacity:1}, 100, "linear");
        $(".logo-glyph").stop().animate({left:0}, 100);       

View the live version here on JSFIDDLE

Answer №1

It appears that the issue at hand is the browser's interruption of Javascript execution during scrolling. While a mouse scrolls in noticeable increments (moving 10 y for each scroll position), a trackpad operates on a much finer scale.

To address this, I suggest utilizing CSS animations instead of Javascript, as they are not subject to interruptions.

@keyframes logo-typeface-move-left {
    from {right: 0; opacity: 1;}
    to {right: 50px; opacity: 0;}

@keyframes logo-typeface-move-right {
    from {right: 50px; opacity: 0;}
    to {right: 0; opacity: 1;}

.logo-typeface-move-left {
    opacity: 0;
    right: 50px;
    animation-name: logo-typeface-move-left;
    animation-duration: .5s;

.logo-typeface-move-right {
    opacity: 1;
    right: 0;
    animation-name: logo-typeface-move-right;
    animation-duration: .5s;

@keyframes logo-glyph-move-right {
    from {left: 0;}
    to {left: 63px;}

@keyframes logo-glyph-move-left {
    from {left: 63px;}
    to {left: 0;}

.logo-glyph-move-right {
    left: 63px;
    animation-name: logo-glyph-move-right;
    animation-duration: .5s;

.logo-glyph-move-left {
    left: 0;
    animation-name: logo-glyph-move-left;
    animation-duration: .5s;

You can then use jQuery to add or remove classes based on the same criteria as before.

if (y > position) {
    } else {

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