Create concise information in a single line with Twig

So, I basically need to display the following information inline on my website: Just like this:

Family: Open Sans - Variant: Regular Italic

Size: 15px - Line Height: 25px - Paragraph: 15px

Color: grey_3

This is the code snippet:

{% include "../component/1-atom/Typographies/sg-typo-hierarchisation.twig" with {
                typo_hierarchisation: [
                        title: "Family",
                        value: "Fira Sans",
                        class_regular: "fw-regular-i",
                        class_bold: "fw-bold-i",
                        title: "Variant",
                        value: "ExtraBold",
                        class_regular: "fw-regular-i",
                        class_bold: "fw-bold-i",
                        title: "Size",
                        value: "50px",
                        class_regular: "fw-regular-i",
                        class_bold: "fw-bold-i",
                        title: "Line Height",
                        value: "50px",
                        class_regular: "fw-regular-i",
                        class_bold: "fw-bold-i",
                        title: "Paragraph",
                        value: "25px",
                        class_regular: "fw-regular-i",
                        class_bold: "fw-bold-i",
                        title: "Color",
                        value: "universe color",
                        value_2: "primary_ {{ universe }}",
                        class_regular: "fw-regular-i",
                        class_bold: "fw-bold-i",

Here is the content of the included file:

<ul class="sg-typo-hierarchisation">
    {% for item in typo_hierarchisation %}
    {% set trait = "<i class='trait'> — </i>" %}
        <li class="sg-typo-hierarchisation-item">
            <span class={{item.class_regdivar ? item.class_regular: ""}}>{{ item.title ? item.title : "" }}</span>
            <span class={{item.class_bold}}>{{ item.value ? " : " ~ item.value : "" }}</span>
            {{ item.value_2 ? ('<span class=' ~ item.class_bold ~ '>' ~ trait ~  item.value_2  ~ '</span>')|raw : '' }}
    {% endfor %}

As of now, this is how it's rendered:

Family: Fira Sans

Variant: ExtraBold

Size: 50px

Line Height: 50px

Paragraph: 25px

Color: universe color - primary_ {{ universe }}

Edit: On inspecting the website, here's the output:

<ul class="sg-typo-hierarchisation">
                <li class="sg-typo-hierarchisation-item">
            <span class="">Family</span>
            <span class="fw-bold-i"> : Fira Sans</span>

                <li class="sg-typo-hierarchisation-item">
            <span class="">Variant</span>
            <span class="fw-bold-i"> : ExtraBold</span>

                <li class="sg-typo-hierarchisation-item">
            <span class="">Size</span>
            <span class="fw-bold-i"> : 50px</span>

                <li class="sg-typo-hierarchisation-item">
            <span class="">Line Height</span>
            <span class="fw-bold-i"> : 50px</span>

                <li class="sg-typo-hierarchisation-item">
            <span class="">Paragraph</span>
            <span class="fw-bold-i"> : 25px</span>

                <li class="sg-typo-hierarchisation-item">
            <span class="">Color</span>
            <span class="fw-bold-i"> : universe color</span>
            <span class="fw-bold-i"><i class="trait"> — </i>primary_ {{ universe }}</span>

Answer №1

If you want to organize your data by grouping attributes, you need to reformat it. Currently, you are passing a single large array which makes it impossible to group.

{% set typo_hierarchisation = [
        { 'title' : 'Famille', value: 'Fira Sans' },
        { 'title' : 'Variante', value : 'ExtraBold' },
        { 'title': 'Taille', value: '50px' },
        { 'title': 'Interlignage', value : '50px' },
        { 'title': 'Paragraphe', value: '25px' },
] %}

{% for group in typo_hierarchisation %}
        {% for item in group %}
            <span>{{ item.title }}</span>
            <span>{{ item.value }}</span>
        {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Check out the demo here

Just a heads up: I've used a div element to "group" the attributes. Remember, this is a block element by default so some additional CSS may be needed to display them side by side

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