Dynamic horizontal div elements laid out in a repeating pattern using CSS Grid

I'm fairly new to CSS/Html/JS and I'd like to create a row of Boxes (loaded from a json file) displayed horizontally. Something similar to this:

Here's the code snippet I've been using:

.wrapper {
    display: grid;
    grid-template-columns: auto auto;

.Product {
    display: grid;
    grid-template-columns: auto 1fr;
    background-color: rgb(2, 121, 61);
    padding: 10px;

<div class"Wrapper">
    <div class="Product">
        <div>Pos: </div><div id="pos">test1</div>
        <div>Artikel: </div><div id="article">test2</div>
        <div>Bezeichnung: </div><div id="name">test3</div>
        <div>Menge: </div><div id="stock">test4</div>
        <div>Einheit:</div><div id="einheit">test5</div>
        <div>Lagerplatz:</div><div id="shelf">test6</div>
        <div>Intern:</div><div id="barcode">test7</div>

    <div class="Product">
        <div>Pos: </div><div id="pos">test1</div>
        <div>Artikel: </div><div id="article">test2</div>
        <div>Bezeichnung: </div><div id="name">test3</div>
        <div>Menge: </div><div id="stock">test4</div>
        <div>Einheit:</div><div id="einheit">test5</div>
        <div>Lagerplatz:</div><div id="shelf">test6</div>
        <div>Intern:</div><div id="barcode">test7</div>

The current result looks like this:

As you can see, the divs are not aligned horizontally and the width extends past the screen. Ideally, I want the boxes to be horizontally aligned and not limited by the screen width. If it's possible to place the entire element in a horizontal scroll view, that would make me even happier. Thank you for your time.

Answer №1

For your product category, implement the use of inline-grid...

.wrapper {
    display: grid;
    grid-template-columns: auto auto;

.Product {
    display: inline-grid;
    grid-template-columns: auto 1fr;
    background-color: rgb(2, 121, 61);
    padding: 10px;
<div class"Wrapper">
    <div class="Product">
        <div>Pos: </div><div id="pos">test1</div>
        <div>Artikel: </div><div id="article">test2</div>
        <div>Bezeichnung: </div><div id="name">test3</div>
        <div>Menge: </div><div id="stock">test4</div>
        <div>Einheit:</div><div id="einheit">test5</div>
        <div>Lagerplatz:</div><div id="shelf">test6</div>
        <div>Intern:</div><div id="barcode">test7</div>

    <div class="Product">
        <div>Pos: </div><div id="pos">test1</div>
        <div>Artikel: </div><div id="article">test2</div>
        <div>Bezeichnung: </div><div id="name">test3</div>
        <div>Menge: </div><div id="stock">test4</div>
        <div>Einheit:</div><div id="einheit">test5</div>
        <div>Lagerplatz:</div><div id="shelf">test6</div>
        <div>Intern:</div><div id="barcode">test7</div>

Answer №2

It appears that the wrapper class was incorrectly specified. To ensure proper styling, it is recommended to use wrapper instead of Wrapper within the main div class. Additionally, if you desire spacing between columns, the grid-column-gap: 20px; property can be utilized.

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