Creating elegant Select Dropdown Box in AngularJS without relying on images

I am currently working on an angular page and have implemented a dropdown with ng-Options to fetch and set values successfully. However, I am now looking to enhance the appearance of this dropdown. After exploring options like ui-select, I realized that beautifying the select box directly with CSS is not straightforward. I attempted to use ui-select but encountered challenges in achieving the desired results simply by adding it to the existing code. Can someone guide me on how to achieve the same outcome effectively?



<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<body ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl"> 

<select ng-model="colors" ng-options="x.text for x in colors track by x.value"></select> 
<!-- <ui-select ng-model="colors" ng-options="x.text for x in colors track by x.value"></ui-select> Not Working--> 


//app declaration
var app = angular.module('myApp',[]);

//controller declaration

    $scope.colors = [{value:1, text:"red"},{value:2, text:"green"},{value:3, text:"blue"}];
    $scope.colors.value = 1;




I'm seeking assistance in enhancing the visual appeal of my select dropdown using ui-select or alternative methods.

Answer №1

If you opt to utilize the ng-repeat notation for the select instead of the ng-options, your life will become much simpler. This way, you have a variety of choices available to achieve your desired result. One of the most adaptable methods is utilizing ng-style in the following manner:

<select ng-model="colors">
    <option ng-repeat="x in colors track by x.value" ng-style="{ 'background-color' : x.text}">{{x.text}}</option>

For additional customization options for your select element, there are numerous online resources that discuss it in detail. You can make further enhancements using attribute rules like this:

select option[value="red"]{
    background-red: red;

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