The col-md-4 class in Bootstrap does not consistently maintain a width of 33%

Currently, I am utilizing bootstrap cards in my project. The number of cards within a card-deck varies dynamically. However, I have encountered an issue where each card should occupy a width of col-md-4 (33%). Everything works fine when there are more than one card, but the problem arises when only a single card is present, as it fails to adhere to the 33% width based on col-md-4.

You can view a sample demonstration here: Try removing cards one by one until only one remains.

Do you have any insights into what might be causing this discrepancy?

With 3 cards: display is correct

With 2 cards: display is correct

With 1 card: display is incorrect

Answer №2

Ensure that the <div> tag which comes after a <div> tag with the class "row" also contains the class name "col-md-4."

Switch on your initial card

 <div class="card-deck my-3 text-center">
  <div class="col-md-4">

Just like this

<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="card-deck my-3 text-center">

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