CSS resetting can lead to tables appearing misaligned

After applying a CSS reset to my website's stylesheet (which is valid as CSS 2.0 and used with XHTML 1.0 transitional webpage), I noticed that a table on my website no longer looks correct. Specifically, the table is now positioned incorrectly and the borders, which were originally black, are no longer visible.

I am debating whether I should remove the table or if I can keep the reset as is and adjust the border settings later. My concern is maintaining consistency across all pages by not having to change the reset specifically for pages with tables containing tabular data, especially since I use an external stylesheet.

Answer №1

For a quick solution, simply delete all table code from your reset



A more effective approach is to utilize a css normalizer instead of a reset: consider using the one recommended by the html5boilerplate project

Answer №2

If I'm understanding correctly (I'm not familiar with the term "css reset"), it seems like you are instructing table, td, th (and various other tags) to not display borders. In that case, why would you anticipate your table to have borders afterwards?

Answer №3

While investigating a comparable problem, I discovered that the reset css was set to have the table property of:

border-collapse:collapse;, which was preventing the border from being displayed.

By including the line... border-collapse: separate; in my custom CSS, I was able to resolve the issue.

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