Does the same rule apply in a CSS file for <variable name="key" value="#576767">?

While examining the HTML code of my blog, I came across a CSS variable declared in CDTA within the index.html file.

<Variable name="keycolor" description="Main Color" type="color" default="#2196f3"  value="#2196f3"/>
    backgroung-color: $(keycolor);

I am aware of the usual CSS method:

        backgroung-color: var(--keycolor);

However, I am curious about the <variable/> element - can it be utilized in a CSS file, and if so, how would it be implemented?

Answer №1

<Variable> is a unique feature in Blogger Templates for defining variables.

Unlike standard HTML tags, <Variable> is specific to Blogger usage only.

<Variable name="keycolor" description="Main Color" type="color" default="#2196f3"  value="#2196f3"/>

The attributes like name and value are easy to understand.

The type attribute can specify font, color, and more.

These variables are restricted for use within the Blogger template editor.

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