The function getSelection().focusNode does not function properly within a specified ID

My current code allows for text to be bolded and unbolded using Window.getSelection(). I found the initial solution here: Bold/unbold selected text using Window.getSelection()

It works perfectly without any issues. However, when I tried to modify the code to only select text within a specific div with an id, I came across this solution: How to getSelection() within a specific div?

Upon combining both solutions, I noticed that the text was always bolded and never unbolded.

Here is my code snippet:

function addBold(){

      // validate selection inside specified div
      if(window.getSelection() !== "editor") return;

      const selection = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
      let selectedParent = selection.commonAncestorContainer.parentElement;
      let mainParent = selectedParent;
      if(selectedParent.closest("b")) {
        var text = document.createTextNode(selectedParent.textContent);
        mainParent = selectedParent.parentElement;
        mainParent.insertBefore(text, selectedParent);
      } else {
        const span = document.createElement("b");
      if (window.getSelection) {
        if (window.getSelection().empty) { 
        } else if (window.getSelection().removeAllRanges) { 
      } else if (document.selection) { 

<div id="editor" contenteditable="true">
      You are the programmers of the future 
    <button onclick="addBold()">Bold</button>

Combining the two answers resulted in always bolding the text and ignoring the unbold functionality. Deleting the first line of the validation condition: if(window.getSelection() resolved the issue and allowed for successful bolding and unbolding of text.

Answer №1

When creating bold text, the parent element of the text is identified and located. Text However, it fails to locate the main parent element correctly, so in order to make it work efficiently, the first line should be replaced with the following line: Replace

If window.getSelection() is not equal to "editor"

Change it to:

If window.getSelection().focusNode.parentElement.closest("editor") does not have an id of "editor"

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