Manipulating the Datepicker onChangeMonthYear event in Jquery UI

I am currently working on customizing the appearance of specific dates within a jQuery UI datepicker. If a date is considered a holiday (meaning it matches a date in an array of specified holiday dates), I want to remove the default styling and make some minor adjustments to that particular element. To mark holidays, I assign a "holiday" class to these dates using the beforeShowDay callback function, similar to how weekends are marked with a "weekend" class:

beforeShowDay: function(oDate) {
        mResult = oHolidays.fnLookupDate(oDate);
        if (mResult != null)
            return [false, 'holiday', mResult];
        else if (oDate.getDay() == 0 || oDate.getDay() == 6)
            return [false, 'weekend'];
            return [true, ''];

In theory, adding a class to holiday dates should allow me to define unique styles for each holiday in the datepicker. However, the CSS styles defined in the class do not take effect; the default UI styling seems to override them. To address this issue, one solution would be to modify the CSS styles in the UI file directly, but this approach is not recommended from a design perspective. Here is the CSS I have defined (using !important did not resolve the issue): {
    background-color: #CC9900;
    background-image: none;
    color: #990000;
    font-weight: bolder;

I attempted a workaround by applying the CSS as inline styles to the anchor elements within the td nodes generated by the datepicker, hoping that more specific rules would take precedence:

    onChangeMonthYear: function(dateText, inst) {
        $('.holiday').children('a').css({'background-color': 'blue', 'background-image': 'none', 
                                         color: '#990000', 'font-weight': 'bolder'});

However, it appears that the onChangeMonthYear function executes before the datepicker is displayed, causing the datepicker's css to override my custom styling attempts. When running this code in Firebug while the datepicker is open, it works correctly.

Is there a way to use .css() to update the datepicker's css after a month is displayed? I prefer to avoid modifying the jQuery UI files directly, as it is not ideal from a design standpoint. Are there any other suggestions or alternatives?

Answer №1

The CSS provided by you, especially when using !important, appears to have the ability to override the default styles effectively. If these styles are applied after the default ones, there should be no issues with overriding. It is unlikely that JQuery UI is adding inline styles to the TD elements that would necessitate the use of !important.

Do you happen to have a sample available for reference? This seems like it might be a simple issue to resolve. Assuming the classes are correctly assigned in the HTML structure, adjusting the CSS should solve the problem without any complications.

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