Display icons within each table cell row

I want to implement a feature where icons appear when the cursor is inside a td row, allowing users to click on them. These icons will contain links.

When the cursor moves to a new td row, the previous row should return to its default state and the new row should display the updated icon set.

Refer to the image for visual guidance.

I am uncertain about how to go about implementing this functionality.

Tools in Use:
I rely on bootstrap, jQuery, and Visual Studio for development.

Answer №1

By incorporating icons into your rows during creation and applying a specific style


you can then use jQuery to loop through the rows.

$(table tr).each(function () {
    if ($(this).is(':hover')) 

If you need to trigger actions based on clicking the icons, add a data-* attribute to each icon to track the corresponding row.

In jQuery, retrieve these attributes using the data() function like this:


Answer №2

One simple method is to utilize CSS In your HTML, assign a class to the div that contains icons.

<div class="IconContainer">
    <!-- Icons go here  -->

Then, in your CSS:

    display: none;
tr:hover .IconContainer{
    display: block;

Alternatively: If you prefer to use jQuery for this functionality

   $('table tr').hover(function(){

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