Div failing to expand to fit its contents

I'm having trouble getting my info-container div to adjust its height based on its contents. I suspect that the floating div within it might be causing the issue, but I'm not certain. I've included a link to jsfiddle where you can view the CSS and some HTML for reference. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Below is the CSS code for the info-container ID which contains the float element and additional information:

    clear: both;

Visit this link to see the code on jsfiddle

Answer №1

To fix the issue, apply overflow:auto; to the #info-container element.

Check out this jsFiddle example for reference

When a child element is floated, it can cause the parent element to collapse due to being removed from the document flow. Adding the overflow property helps maintain the desired layout behavior.

Answer №2

    overflow: auto;

Answer №3

To resolve the issue of floated children not wrapping properly, utilize the CSS clearfix method. Implement the following CSS code snippet:

#content-wrapper:after {
    clear: both;
    content: "";
    display: table;

See Demo Here

By creating a pseudo element using this approach, you ensure that the parent container encompasses all floated elements effectively.

This technique is deemed more elegant compared to simply adding an overflow property, which may lead to issues such as hidden overflow or unwanted scrollbars in certain scenarios.

Answer №4

Check out this jsBin demo

To solve issues with floated elements, you can create a CSS class like this:

.clear:after {
  content:" ";
.clear:after {

Then, simply apply the class to your

<div id="info-container" class="clear">

or any other element that contains Floated elements causing problems.

For a simpler solution, you can use:

overflow : auto;

This will work for parent elements containing floated children, if possible, as it turns them into an overflow element.

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