Replace the bullet icon with a double quote symbol

My HTML List needs a different look - I want to change the bullet icon into a double quote icon.

A website that I found interesting is this one.

Here's the CSS code I have:

.listStyle li:before {
  list-style: none;
  content: "\00BB";
<ul class="listStyle">
  <li>SOME TEXT</li>
  <li>SOME TEXT</li>
  <li>SOME TEXT</li>
  <li>SOME TEXT</li>
  <li>SOME TEXT</li>
  <li>SOME TEXT</li>
  <li>SOME TEXT</li>

The Screenshot demonstrates the changes:

I want to replace the bullet icon with the double quote icon, not both icons together.

Any suggestions on how I can achieve this?

I want to make sure that the text doesn't align vertically when there's a line break:

Answer №1

Instead of applying the list-style property directly to the li elements, you have it on the pseudo elements. To align double quotes properly, consider using absolute positioning with:

.listStyle {
  list-style: none;
.listStyle li{
.listStyle li:before {
  content: "\00BB";
<ul class="listStyle">
  <li>SOME TEXT<br/>second line</li>
  <li>SOME TEXT</li>
  <li>SOME TEXT</li>
  <li>SOME TEXT</li>
  <li>SOME TEXT</li>
  <li>SOME TEXT</li>
  <li>SOME TEXT</li>

Answer №2

To update the bullet style, follow these steps:

ul {
  list-style: none;
ul li:before {
  content: "\00BB";

The padding-left:0px; will eliminate the left padding and remove any indentation.

Answer №3

To avoid bullets creating new lines:

.customList li {
    list-style: none;
.customList li:before {
  display: inline-block;
  width: 1em;
  margin-left: -1em;
  content: "\2022";

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