Disabling directional focus navigation in CSS: A comprehensive guide

Is there a way to disable directional focus navigation properties, such as 'nav-up', 'nav-right', 'nav-down', 'nav-left', for elements on an HTML page?

button { position:absolute }

button#b1 {
    top:0; left:50%;
    nav-right:#b2; nav-left:#b4;
    nav-down:#b2; nav-up:#b4;

button#b2 {
    top:50%; left:100%;
    nav-right:#b3; nav-left:#b1;
    nav-down:#b3; nav-up:#b1;

button#b3 {
    top:100%; left:50%;
    nav-right:#b4; nav-left:#b2;
    nav-down:#b4; nav-up:#b2;

button#b4 {
    top:50%; left:0;
    nav-right:#b1; nav-left:#b3;
    nav-down:#b1; nav-up:#b3;

This is based on an example found at http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-ui/#nav-dir

Any suggestions on how to accomplish this? Thanks!

Answer №1

Consider giving this a shot

* {
   nav-right: #non-existent-key; 
   nav-left: #non-existent-key;
   nav-down: #non-existent-key;
   nav-up: #non-existent-key;

The asterisk selector affects all CSS elements, so specifying a non-existent id will cause your navigation keys to remain stationary.

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