Difficulty encountered with text truncation provided by Bootstrap 4 in a table cell

Many questions on SE address this particular issue in Bootstrap 3 and have found solutions by adding a custom class. In Bootstrap 4, a text-truncate class was introduced to restrict the display of text within an element, and we have successfully implemented it in various parts of our site.

However, we encountered a problem when applying the text-truncate class to a table cell. Here's what we attempted - although in reality, there are multiple columns in the table which I have condensed to one for demonstration purposes.

<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover table-hover-cursor" id="tblData">
<thead class="thead-light">
  <th scope="col" data-bind="tableSort: { arr: _data, propName: 'text()'}">Text</th>
<tbody data-bind="foreach: pagedData">
        <td data-bind="text: text()" class="text-truncate"></td>

Several other suggestions mention enclosing the text in a span to achieve the desired effect, but this approach also proved unsuccessful.

      <span data-bind="text: text()" class="text-truncate"></span>

We even experimented with moving the class to the td or using it on both the td and the span, but none of these methods yielded the desired result.

An oft-recommended suggestion is to include the text class, even though it is not a default Bootstrap class. However, this strategy did not work either.

      <span data-bind="text: text()" class="text text-truncate"></span>

Despite trying different combinations and variations of classes and elements, including attempts to set size limitations, such as:

    <td data-bind="text: text()" class="col-md-2 text-truncate"></td>

The text continued to display in full without any ellipsis or truncation.

Ultimately, we resorted to explicitly setting a max-width style to achieve the desired effect:

    <td data-bind="text: text()" class="text-truncate" style="max-width: 200px"></td>

However, we would prefer to adhere to using only Bootstrap classes. What combination of elements and classes should be used to resolve this issue?

Answer №1

As far as I know, there is no predefined Bootstrap class that can address this issue if the table columns have variable widths. An easy fix would be to apply the following CSS:

.table {
    table-layout: fixed;


Answer №2

Try moving the class="text-truncate" from the <td> to a nested span that has its own custom class for better styling

  <span class="my-class text-truncate">Long text that needs truncating</span>
.my-class {
  display: inline-block;
  max-width: 10rem;

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