How can you achieve a vertical list display for a label while preserving its inline-block properties?

I have chosen to use labels for my radio buttons because I enjoy the convenience of being able to click on the text to select the option. However, I want these labels to appear in a vertical list format. Currently, they are displaying as blocks, causing them to spread across the entire page and allowing users to accidentally activate an option by clicking on the white space next to the label.

I am aware that I can wrap the labels in a div and set the display property to block while setting the contained label's display property to inline-block. While this solution works, it would require me to make adjustments to hundreds of labels, so I would prefer to achieve the desired layout using only CSS if possible.

Alternatively, I tried using float: left and clear: both to achieve the desired effect. However, this caused issues with other elements on the page not displaying properly and being significantly impacted by these changes.

                label {
                  display: block;
                  cursor: pointer;

                  <input type="radio"/>
                  <input type="radio"/>
                  <input type="radio"/>
                  <input type="radio"/>

Answer №1


To fill the rest of the line, you can use the ::after pseudo element in this way:

label::after {
  content: "";
  display: block;

Check out the solution on jsFiddle.


label {
  cursor: pointer;
label::after {
  content: "";
  display: block;
  <input type="radio" />answer
  <input type="radio" />answer
  <input type="radio" />answer
  <input type="radio" />answer


If you require older browser support, make use of :after instead of ::after. Remember that one is CSS2 syntax and the other CSS3. In CSS3, there was a change to distinguish between psuedo-elements and pseudo-classes.

Take note that IE8 only supports the single-colon CSS 2.1 syntax (i.e., :pseudo-class) and does not recognize the double-colon CSS3 syntax (i.e., ::pseudo-element).

Answer №2

experiment with including
tag after every element and delete display:block property..

label::after {
    content: "<br>";

Answer №3

To ensure the label stretches to its parent's width, apply the following CSS properties: display:block, width:100%, and text-align: center; for horizontal alignment of text within the label.

  text-align: center;

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