CSS problem: Chrome scrolling overflow glitch (ghost margin/padding)

Hey there, I've run into a bit of an issue with two divs containing tables - one acting as a header and the other as a scrollable content area.

Everything is working perfectly except for this mysterious border/margin that keeps appearing in Chrome on the scrollable section.

Here's how it looks in Firefox:

And here it is in Chrome:

You can see that Chrome shows a subtle margin/padding on the left side of the scrollable area (starting from where the "12a" time markers begin). Even though I tested by changing the background color of the scrollable area to #ff0000 to confirm that it's not a border, it still appears with the original style:

I thought about adding a simple margin-left to the element, but since the calendar cells are generated through JavaScript and their width depends on various factors like container size and number of available days to view, doing so would misalign cells on the right side of the table.

Has anyone come across this issue before? Is there a way to disable this property for scrollable elements in Chrome? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Answer №1

When calculating the total width of an element, keep in mind that borders and scroll-bars add to the overall dimensions. This may result in the appearance of the top box being shifted to the left due to the offset caused by the scroll-bar.

To adjust for this issue, consider offsetting the scroll bar container with

left: -2px;

or equivalent to the width of the scroll-bar itself.

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