The program is designed to only allow up to two images to be wrapped

I'm struggling with a short jQuery program that I need help with. The problem is, I can't seem to get it to wrap more than two images in the same row. My goal is to create a website that side-scrolls, and I thought this approach would be the simplest way to achieve it. However, I've hit a roadblock and I'm seeking assistance.

If you'd like to take a look, here's the code on jsfiddle:

   $(".gallery").wrapInner("<table cellspacing='30'><tr>");

Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Issue at Hand

Using the same id for multiple objects.


Instead of using the same id, assign them the same class.

This approach is why your current setup is not functioning as expected.

Refer to this demonstration for clarity: DEMO

To rectify the issue, adjust your code accordingly:

HTML(relevant section only)

<div class="wrapper">
    <section class="gallery">
        <article class="image">
            <img src="images/front.gif"/>
        <article class="image">
            <img src="images/back.gif"/>
        <article class="image">
            <img src="images/www.gif"/>


     $(".gallery").wrapInner("<table cellspacing='30'><tr>");

Inspect the DOM using your web inspector to see images correctly wrapped by td

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