Pictures glide within containers

Hey, I'm having an issue with my images. They're not floating like they should be, even though they are centered in the div. I really want them to float and be centered. Here's the code snippet I've been working with.


<div class="middle-align">
    <div id="gallery-left">
        <div class="gallery-left-middle">
            <p class="gallery-photo"> <a rel="gallery_group" href="#" title=""><img alt="" src="assets/images/welcome.jpg" /></a> </p>
            <p class="gallery-photo"> <a rel="gallery_group" href="#" title=""><img alt="" src="assets/images/welcome.jpg" /></a> </p>
            <p class="gallery-photo"> <a rel="gallery_group" href="#" title=""><img alt="" src="assets/images/welcome.jpg" /></a> </p>
            <p class="gallery-photo"> <a rel="gallery_group" href="#" title=""><img alt="" src="assets/images/welcome.jpg" /></a> </p>


.gallery-left-middle {text-align:center;}
#gallery-left img{float:none;display:inline-block;width:180px;height:180px;}

I tried following a solution on Stack Overflow, but unfortunately, it's still not working for me.

Any suggestions on why my images aren't floating properly, even though they're centered? I'd appreciate any help!

Answer №1

The reason for this behavior is that the p element is a block-level element, which means it will automatically fill the width of its parent div. Additionally, because the img elements have a style of text-align:center, they will be centered within the p element. If you prefer to have the images floated instead, you can try setting display:inline-block on the p elements rather than the img elements.

.gallery-left-middle {text-align:center;}
.gallery-photo {display: inline-block;} 

See it in action here!

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