Customize CSS styles based on Angular material stepper orientation

Is it possible to change the CSS style of an angular material stepper based on its orientation? For instance, can we set a red background when the stepper is displayed vertically and a blue background when horizontal?

Answer №1

To make this adjustment, simply include either an [ngClass] or [ngStyle] based on the condition used to determine if the stepper should display vertically or horizontally.

For example, if your current code looks like this:

<mat-stepper orientation="verticalStepper ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal'">...</mat-stepper>

Add an ngClass attribute binding as follows:

<mat-stepper orientation="verticalStepper ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal'" [ngClass]="{ 'vertical-stepper': verticalStepper, 'horizontal-stepper': !verticalStepper }">...</mat-stepper>

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