Is there a way to substitute all underscores in HTML tag IDs and classes with a hyphen symbol?

I recently realized that I used underscores instead of hyphens in some of my CSS class and id names. To correct this, I want to replace all underscores with hyphens using the sublime text replace feature (ctrl + H). Is there a way to change underscores to hyphens in only the id and class names in my HTML template?

For example:

<div id=“contact_container”></div>

Should be changed to:

<div id="contact-container"></div>

Answer №1

If you want to enhance your search capabilities, consider using Regex. This powerful tool allows you to establish specific "rules" for your search criteria. For instance, you can instruct the search to find everything that begins with 'id=' and includes a '-'.

Without seeing the rest of your code, it's challenging to provide an exact Regex expression. However, you may find this helpful article on utilizing Regex in Sublime a valuable starting point.

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