Difficulties arise when trying to implement the jQuery SVG animation plugin on a straight line

After digging through the documentation, it seems a bit lacking on this topic and a few things just don't seem to add up,

My goal is to make a line follow an animated element by using the same animation variables as those of the box element for the X1 coordinate of the line,

Javascript (using the latest jQuery, SVG Plugin + SVG Animation Plugin)

var balloons = [

var lines = [

function act(jqObj, lineX, speed, change) {
.animate({'left': change}, speed)
.animate({'left': -change}, speed);

.animate({svgX1: change}, speed)
.animate({sgvX1: -change}, speed, function() {
    act(jqObj, lineX, speed, change);
for (i = 0; i < balloons.length; i++) {
var speed = 2000 + Math.random() * 501;
var change = 10 + Math.random() * 26;
act(balloons[i], lines[i], speed, change);



<title>Proof of Concept Page</title>
<style type="text/css">
 .html .body {position: absolute;}

.box {
 position: absolute;
        position: absolute;
#box1 {
margin-left:300px; margin-top:60px 
#box2 {
margin-left:500px; margin-top:20px 
#box3 {
margin-left:700px; margin-top:50px 
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.svg.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.svganim.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="main.js"></script>

<div  class="box" id="box1">Proj 1</div>
<div  class="box" id="box2">Proj 2</div>
<div  class="box" id="box3">Proj 3</div>

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1">
    <line id="line1" x1="350" y1="160" x2="550" y2="500" style="stroke:rgb(255,0,0);stroke-width:2"/>
    <line id="line2" x1="550" y1="120" x2="550" y2="500" style="stroke:rgb(255,0,0);stroke-width:2"/>
    <line id="line3" x1="750" y1="150" x2="550" y2="500" style="stroke:rgb(255,0,0);stroke-width:2"/>


There are a few issues here, first off, the current code sets the X1 position all the way to the left because I haven't specified to add to the original value.

I'm avoiding using '+=change' because it somehow breaks the code, even with a simple numerical value.

Lastly, even if I set the first X1 animation value to 500 and the second to 0, only the first one runs, skipping the second animation. This results in the lines flying to the left and then getting stuck without moving further.

It's likely due to my limited knowledge of jQuery and Javascript, so any constructive assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Exploring the world of SVG was quite the challenge for me as I had never ventured into it before.

After experimenting with it for a few days, I finally came up with this solution:

var $boxes = $(".box"),//coded in HTML
    strings = [];//filled with sgv lines

    onLoad: function(svg) {
        var g = svg.group({
            stroke: 'red',
            strokeWidth: 2
        $boxes.each(function(i, el) { // create one string per box.
            strings.push(svg.line(g, parseInt($(el).css('left')), 18+parseInt($(el).css('top')), 50, 200));

//animate the boxes
$boxes.each(function(i, el) {
    var speed = 2000 + Math.random() * 501,
        change = 10 + Math.random() * 26,
        jqObj = $(el),
        initial_left = parseInt(jqObj.css('left')) || 0;
    (function act() {
            'left': initial_left + change
        }, {
            duration: speed,
            step: function() { 
                    svgX1: jqObj.css('left')
                }, 0);
            'left': initial_left - change
        }, {
            duration: speed,
            step: function() { 
                    svgX1: jqObj.css('left')
                }, 0);
            complete: act

Check out the DEMO.

This setup is essentially a combination of SVG strings and non-SVG text boxes that are animated to give the appearance of being linked together.

The code may not be the most straightforward to follow but I'm happy to have achieved a functional result. It was a learning experience for me and hopefully, it can serve a purpose for you too.

EDIT - additional explanation:

Your understanding: You're on the right track. I'm utilizing an alternate form of animate which involves using .animate(properties, options), where both properties and options are JavaScript objects. This version of the method allows for a step option to be specified, dictating an operation to occur at each step of the animation – in this case, adjusting the position of the balloon string's top end.

i and 'el': The jQuery .each() methods provide a convenient way to iterate through elements in an array, DOM nodes within a jQuery container, or properties of a plain JavaScript object. Both variations of .each() accept a callback function defining the action to be performed during each iteration. This function also receives two parameters representing either index and value (for arrays and jQuery containers) or key and value (for plain JS objects). By naming these parameters as i (index) and el (element), we can refer to them within the callback function more clearly.

Line animation: While the line does only move slightly before stopping, this movement takes place within the step callback, which is executed once per step of the animation – continuously aligning the line with the object it is connected to.

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