Develop a container element with protective measures against external CSS styles impacting internal elements

As I work on integrating my webpage code into a large project, I have encountered an issue. The entire project code is contained within a div element inside the <main> tag. However, when I add this container div within the <main> tag, the project's CSS ends up overwriting my own CSS. Is there a solution to prevent external CSS from affecting the styling of inner elements?

Answer №1

Option 1: The use of an iframe will confine your HTML content, preventing access to the DOM.

Option 2:

Reset your CSS using the following code:

  all: initial;
  * {
    all: unset;

Answer №2

One solution is to incorporate an iframe using the srcdoc attribute. Content within an iframe remains unaffected by external CSS!

iframe {display:block; border:none}

/* Example of immune div with specific CSS */

div {color:red; background:yellow; border:solid;}
<div>This is a regular div</div>
<iframe srcdoc="<div>This is a framed div, protected from CSS changes</div>"></iframe>

Check out <iframe> on MDN for further details and potential limitations.

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