Designing personalized visual elements that can be colored using HTML and CSS

I have a custom graphic that needs to be filled with three different colors. Each color will fill from 1% to 100%. For example, the blue color should fill from the legs to the head (1-100%), the red color should fill from the bottom of the head to the top of the head (1-100%), and the orange color should do the same. Is there a way to achieve this using SVG, canvas, or any other method?

Answer №1

Effective Tips for Utilizing CSS Animation

  1. To start off, segment the color sections into separate div elements and arrange them in the HTML structure based on their importance or utilizing a suitable z-index.
  2. For creating background holder and filler components for each color section, opting for nested divs is recommended over using :before and :after pseudo-elements.
  3. Create a keyframe animation that smoothly transitions from 0% height to 100% height to achieve the filling effect elegantly.
  4. Prior to integration, calculate the appropriate animation delay taking into account the number of shapes undergoing animation. For a seamless progression, set an animation delay matching the duration of the first shape's animation for consecutive shapes.

To tailor the shape and positioning as needed, adjust attributes such as border-radius, position, width, and height accordingly.

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    body {
      background: lightgray;

    /* Styling for Red Filler */

    .red-filler {
      background: lightgray;
      border-radius: 50%;
      width: 200px;
      height: 200px;
      border: 10px solid white;

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