Designing a fresh look for the developer portal on Azure API Management Services

Is there a way to customize the color of the navbar links in the fresh developer portal for different layouts?

I have attempted using the designer tool provided by the portal, but it hasn't yielded any results. I also tried cloning the git repository for the APIM instance, only to discover settings for the old portal.

I couldn't find any comprehensive guide that delves deep into styling options for the new portal.

If anyone has any hints or ideas on how to achieve this customization, please share them. Your help would be greatly valued.

Answer №1

To customize the styling, there is no need to clone the repository. All style modifications can be made directly in the Style guide section.

For more information, please refer to the documentation

The key steps include:

  • Adjusting the appearance of the navbar links for the Regular page menu under the Navigation link editor in the Style guide (Style guide -> menus nav link)

  • Creating a new custom appearance for menus using the "add appearance" option in the Style guide (Style guide -> menus -> add appearance)

  • Accessing the menu editor within the layout settings to modify the menu layout (Layouts -> select menu on a layout -> open menu editor)

  • Selecting the desired appearance from the Appearance dropdown menu

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