Difficulty encountered in aligning items within neighboring table cells vertically

Currently, I am facing a styling issue with a few table rows. In this particular screenshot:

The cells in the blue and red circles are part of a table row (with a height of 50px). Both are set to "vertical-align:top". The phone number data (in the red circle) consists of a pipe-delimited string where HTML breaks replace the pipes.

In the green circle, the Fax label is also "vertical-align:top", but the actual list of fax numbers (also delimited) are set to "vertical-align:middle".

I want these elements to align neatly, with the top phone number/fax being vertically aligned with its respective label. Could the substitution of breaks for pipes in the phone/fax strings be causing this alignment issue? Is there a solution that doesn't involve modifying the database table/app?

Update: I managed to somewhat achieve alignment by adding some padding to the table cell. However, it appears to be lining up due to chance rather than as intended. I fear it may fail me at the most crucial moment.

Answer №1

Check out this CSS snippet:

table td, table th {
    vertical-align: top;

Avoid using valign and similar attributes as they are outdated and it's better to use CSS for styling.

Answer №2

In my opinion, Parrot's approach to CSS in this situation is spot on. It's worth mentioning that using different fonts and font sizes in the cells can cause them to look misaligned, even if they have the same styling applied. If alignment is crucial for the page's overall design, I'd suggest separating the data once more and creating individual headings for each phone/fax number with a header row labeled "Phone" and "Fax" each having colspan="2".

| Phone:                 |
|   Back: | xxx-xxx-xxxx |
|  Front: | xxx-xxx-xxxx |
| Fax:                   |
... etc.             

Furthermore, replacing | with <br /> will not negatively impact the tables' appearance as long as there are no LEADING |s.

Answer №3

Do you refer to them as labels (since they are semantically labels), and do you also use the labels tag? If so, make sure to check if any CSS rules are affecting it in a way that causes issues.

In the first case (blue/red), it seems odd if both are aligned valign:top. Have you verified whether the label has top margin or padding applied, or if there is a CSS rule with vertical-align:middle?

In the second scenario (green), you must align them to the top as well... if one is set to middle and the other to top, they will never align properly..

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