Design elements for React and Angular JS

Is there a way to design UI components in a style that is compatible with both Angular JS and React? These two technologies will be utilized simultaneously within the same application.

Answer №1

Using a framework is not necessary. When writing your html code, keep the same classes and ids to easily apply css styles across any framework.

Consistency in structure (id, class) is key.

You have the option to organize css code into separate components or combine them into one css file.

Answer №2

Interesting inquiry!

In my opinion, the UI Style falls under the responsibility of the art team, while front-end developers choose between frameworks like React or Angular for development.

If you're looking to design a UI component that combines both, I would advise against it because React and Angular have distinct differences.

For example:

1. React components are written in .JSX

2. Angular always uses ng-xxx attributes in its components

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