Using Selenium to locate and click on a hyperlink within a table by identifying it with its displayed name

In my case, I have a table that displays records of school districts. My goal is to use Selenium in order to select the delete icon positioned in the eighth td for the district located on a row with a specific name. In this scenario, the name being QA__run and it should be found in the first td

How can I achieve this task effectively?

I already attempted:

//table[@id='districts']//tr//td//a[contains[text(),'QA__run (Selected)']]

as well as


However, neither selector seemed to work for me.

Currently, the closest solution I found was:


This selects the first td of the first tr but isn't quite specific enough for my needs

The layout of the table is as follows:

Answer №1

To retrieve the desired data, locate the td containing specific text first, then navigate back to the parent tr element and extract the 8th td within that tr.

//table//tr//td//a[text() ='QA__run']//ancestor::tr//td[8]

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