Deleting the detailPanel based on a specific condition leads to extra padding

Hello everyone, I am currently working on adding a detailPanel based on a certain condition. However, when I hide it, there is an empty space left behind as shown in this link.

The code works perfectly fine when the detail panel is provided:

get rowDetailsPanel() {
const { detailPanel, classes } = this.props;
// @Workarround To Hide Details Panel In Case There is No Details Panels Provided
return [
    tooltip: 'Show Name',
    disabled: !detailPanel,
    icon: () => <ChevronRightIcon className={!detailPanel && classes.displayNone}/>,
    render: rowData => detailPanel(rowData)


For a functional detailPanel, you can refer to this link.

In essence, I am attempting to completely remove the column when the detailPanel is hidden. Any tips or insights would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Here is a solution that should do the trick:

get rowDetailsPanel() {
const { detailPanel, classes } = this.props;
// @Temporary Fix to Hide Details Panel When No Panels Are Provided
return detailPanel ? [
    tooltip: 'Show Name',
    disabled: !detailPanel,
    icon: () => <ChevronRightIcon className={!detailPanel && classes.displayNone}/>,
    render: rowData => detailPanel(rowData)
] : undefined;

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