Tips for customizing the appearance of a label when a MUI Radio Button is selected

Hello everyone, I am attempting to customize the label text color of a radio button to turn blue when selected.


import * as React from "react";
import Radio from "@mui/material/Radio";
import RadioGroup from "@mui/material/RadioGroup";
import FormControlLabel from "@mui/material/FormControlLabel";
import FormControl from "@mui/material/FormControl";

export default function RowRadioButtonsGroup({label1, label2}) {
  return (

        style={{display: 'flex', gap: '2rem'}}

    '& .MuiSvgIcon-root': {
      fontSize: 28, 
        <FormControlLabel value="Sunday" control={<Radio />} label={label1}/>
        <FormControlLabel value="Monday" control={<Radio />} label={label2} />

Answer №1

To create a customized form control label, utilize the "useRadioGroup" hook button and select preferred colors for the checked and unchecked states. Check out this demo to see it in action:

Customized Form Control Label Demo
// Styled form control label

const StyledFormControlLabel = styled((props) => (
    <FormControlLabel {...props} />
  ))(({ theme, checked }) => ({
    ".MuiFormControlLabel-label": checked && {
      // Customize color here
      color: "green"

// Custom FormControl
   function MyFormControlLabel(props) {
     // MUI UseRadio Group
    const radioGroup = useRadioGroup();

    let checked = false;

    if (radioGroup) {
      checked = radioGroup.value === props.value;

    return <StyledFormControlLabel checked={checked} {...props} />;;


  <MyFormControlLabel value="male" control={<Radio />} label="Male" />

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