Customizing Widths in Bootstrap 5: A Comprehensive Guide

Is it feasible to establish custom widths in bootstrap 5? The official documentation only addresses setting the width proportionate to the parent container (25%, 50%, 75%, or 100% of the parent's width) or proportional to the viewport (vw-100 etc.). I am attempting to achieve a layout similar to this:

<div class="w-25rem"> <div>
which would specify the width as 25rem. Can this be accomplished using Bootstrap, or do I need to resort to inline styling or creating a new class with the desired styles?

Answer №1

With the release of Bootstrap 5, a new utility-first approach was introduced. This means that the framework includes utility classes for common styling requirements, but lacks pre-built utilities for custom widths such as w-25rem.

Therefore, users are encouraged to either use inline CSS or create a dedicated class for this purpose.

Answer №2

Applying inline CSS in Bootstrap 5 is possible, however, you may need to include !important to override other styles.

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