Customizing the full calendar_scheduler: Adjusting the minimum width of Resource columns in the vertical agenda day view for a horizontal scroll

Hey everyone, I'm facing an issue and could use some help! I am currently using the Scheduler in FullCalendar. As I add more resources, the columns for each resource become smaller in order to fit the calendar. However, I would like to set a minimum width for the columns and have a horizontal scroll instead. I attempted to achieve this by setting the following CSS:

.fc-view.fc-agendaDay-view.fc-agenda-view{ width: 500%; }

Unfortunately, this solution is not efficient as the columns shrink again when more resources are added.

Answer №1

I utilize for my scheduling needs. The corresponding HTML code is

<div id="calendar"></div>
. In order to display additional resource columns, I implement the following JavaScript:

resources: [
{ id: 'BSNa', title: 'Bác sĩ Na'}
{ id: 'BSHai', title: 'Bác sĩ Hải' },
{ id: 'BSPhuong', title: 'Bác sĩ Phương' },
{ id: 'BSAnh', title: 'Bác sĩ Ánh'},
{ id: 'BSMinh', title: 'Bác sĩ Minh'},
{ id: 'KTVa', title: 'KTV Ánh', },
{ id: 'KTVb', title: 'KTV Minh', },
{ id: 'KTVc', title: 'KTV Ánh', },
{ id: 'KTVd', title: 'KTV Minh', },

view image description here

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