Tips for creating a continuous display of multiple scrolling images in HTML

This is the full HTML and CSS code

Here is the CSS for creating a scrolling images effect.

            * {margin: 0; padding: 0;}
            body {
                background-color: #666;

            #container {
                overflow: hidden;
                margin: 50px auto;
                background: white;
             /* Header */
            header {
                width: 800px;
                margin: 40px auto;
            header h1 {
                text-align: center;
                font: 100 60px/1.5 Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif;

            header p {
                font: 100 15px/1.5 Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif;
                text-align: justify;
            /* Photo banner */
            .photobanner {
                height: 233px;
                width: 3550px;
                margin-bottom: -45px;

            /* Keyframe animations */
            .first {
                -webkit-animation: bannermove 30s linear infinite;
                -moz-animation: bannermove 30s linear infinite;
                -ms-animation: bannermove 30s linear infinite;
                -o-animation: bannermove 30s linear infinite;
                animation: bannermove 30s linear infinite;

            @keyframes "bannermove" {
                0% {
                    margin-left: 0px;
                100% {
                    margin-left: -2125px;



This is the HTML code:

          <div id="container">
              <a href="">
                  <div class="photobanner">
                      <img class="first" src="images/Arjun_singh.jpg" alt="" />
                      // more images...

If possible by JavaScript or jQuery, you can send me the link.

For a quick view, check out this link:

Answer №1

If you're in need of a library, this could be the one you're searching for.

Check out:

It's user-friendly and only requires jQuery. Give it a try!

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