Customizing the active state of a Dropdown Item in Bootstrap version 4.5

Recently, I've embarked on the journey of creating my own theme using a combination of SASS and Bootstrap. However, I've hit a little snag when it comes to achieving the desired active appearance for a dropdown item within a navbar. To be completely honest, I wouldn't mind tweaking the hover effect as well.

This is what my code currently looks like:

<li class="nav-item dropdown">
<NavLink href="#" class="nav-link dropdown-toggle text-nowrap" data-toggle="dropdown">
                        <div class="dropdown-menu bg-customblue1">
                            <NavLink class="nav-link dropdown-item text-light" href="users">Users</NavLink>
                                        <NavLink class="nav-link dropdown-item text-light" href="roles">Roles</NavLink>

I've managed to set the background color of the dropdown (dropdown-menu) in line with my new theme (bg-customblue1), and ensured that each item inherits the text-light styling.

However, I'm wondering if there's an elegant way, possibly incorporating SASS, to align the active and hover appearances with this theme?



Answer №1

When using Bootstrap, ensure that the active item is styled with the .active class, as detailed in the documentation here.

To customize this behavior, you can adjust the variables in the Bootstrap variables.scss file such as $dropdown-link-active-color, $dropdown-link-active-bg, $dropdown-link-hover-color, and $dropdown-link-hover-bg. Alternatively, you can create your own SASS code to achieve the desired styling:

.dropdown-menu {

  .dropdown-item:hover {
    color: $light;
    background-color: $customblue-1;
  } {
    color: $light;
    background-color: $customblue-1;
    &:hover {
      background-color: $customblue-2;

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