Customize Material-ui ListItem styles using @media queries

Looking to customize the appearance of ListItem in material-ui.

My list of elements is populated and then returned to a Popover.

elms.push(<ListItem key={i} primaryText={obj[i].title} onTouchTap={this.addGeotag.bind(this, obj[i])}/>)

Adding style={{line-height:"5"}} to ListItem works well.

Now, I want to utilize @media max-width: ... for different screen sizes such as 850px, 1200px, ...

Any suggestions on how to accomplish this?

Answer №1

A solution similar to this is likely to be effective.

handleResize() {
    window.addEventListener('resize', this.updateComponentSize);

handleComponentUnmount() {
    window.removeEventListener('resize', this.updateComponentSize);

updateComponentSize(event) {
    // Implement size calculations
    // Update component's state with desired size property

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