CSS/React JS: I wish for the input fields to maintain focus even after entering values

I'm working with a confirmation code that is made up of 6 digits. I've noticed that when I click on an input field, it becomes focused and underlined in blue.

However, as soon as I start typing in the next input field, the blue underline disappears from the first field.

What I really want is for the first input field to stay underlined even after I move on to the second input field, as well as for the other four input fields.

To achieve this, I have utilized the focus selector:

input[type='tel'].InputField:focus {border: 0 none; border-bottom: 2px solid blue; border-bottom-left-radius: 0; border-bottom-right-radius: 0; outline: none;}

Answer №1

The snippet of CSS code you provided will apply a blue border to the input field when it is in focus, as specified by the :focus pseudo-class.

input[type='tel'].InputField:focus {
   border: 0 none;
   border-bottom: 2px solid blue;
   border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
   border-bottom-right-radius: 0; outline: none;

To address your issue, you can consider using the :placeholder-shown pseudo-class to create a workaround:

input[type="tel"]:not(:placeholder-shown) {
  background-color: cyan;
  border: 1px solid blue;
<input type="tel" placeholder=" ">

<input type="tel" placeholder=" ">

This solution, based on ngryman's answer on Stack Overflow, relies solely on CSS and can be styled accordingly using the ReactJS syntax for your project needs.

Answer №2

To enhance the styling of your inputs, consider creating a new css class with similar styles, such as "afterEdit" (you can choose any name you prefer).

Next, set up an event listener to detect changes in the input using the onChange attribute. Whenever a change is detected in any input field, apply the "afterEdit" css class dynamically. This ensures that even after moving to another input field and losing focus, the focus styles remain visible.

You can achieve this by managing the className property based on whether the input has been changed or not. For example:

render() {
 const isChanged = this.state.inputA.changed;
 let className = ['InputField'];
 if(isChanged) className.push('afterEdit');
 return <input className={className.join(' ')} />

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