CSS style for centering double digit list items

My query is:

<ul id="list">
     <a href=''>1</a>
     <a href=''>2</a>
     <a href=''>3</a>
      <a href=''>4</a>
      <a href=''>10</a>
      <a href=''>11</a>

This is how I want it to look with a style:

I am looking to center double digit numbers like single digits. I have tried the following styles (separately):

#list li{
  text-align: center;
  align-items: stretch; // and center
  margin-left: auto; //with margin right the same
  left: 0;

However, none of these methods seem to work

Answer №1

Change the alignment of text to 'a':

#list li a{
  text-align: center;

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