Struggling to keep the footer anchored at the bottom of the page

When the content on an HTML page is minimal, the footer may end up positioned halfway up the page, creating a blank space below. This can be unappealing, especially on larger screens. Designers are frequently tasked with moving footers to the bottom of the viewport, but accomplishing this isn't always straightforward.

The structure of my HTML looks like this:

    <div class="wrapper">
    <div class="footer" id="cdFooter">

I attempted to follow advice from the Internet by setting the CSS rules as follows:

html,body {
    position: relative;
    min-height: 100%;

.wrapper {
    position: relative;
    overflow:hidden !important;
.footer {
    bottom: 0;
    width: 100%;

(Additional CSS rules can be found at the URL below, as there's limit for code here.)

Despite implementing these rules, the footer still does not reach the bottom of the browser on large desktop screens. The result can be viewed at the following URL:

Someone suggested adding a rule to the wrapper like margin-bottom: **px, but that did not resolve the issue on my site.

Could someone kindly review my URL and suggest a solution? I prefer a responsive design without using fixed heights to push elements down.

Thank you.

If I use position: absolute, it will override the wrapper. Adding body {height: 100%} also proved ineffective. Can anyone attempt to make edits on my URL?

In my opinion, the key problem lies in making the body height equal to the browser height, similar to how it is defined in html. Hopefully, this approach could solve the issue.

Answer №1

Your footer display and body element height were not clearly defined in your request. To ensure proper placement, please update your CSS code as follows:

body {
    height: 100%;
.footer {
    position: absolute;
    bottom: 0;
    width: 100%;

Answer №2

In order to fix the position, you need to remove it from the normal flow and make adjustments in the footer section.

position: absolute;

If you want more control options, consider adding:


This will allow you to manage the height of the footer effectively.

One reason for the overlapping issue may be due to the lack of a specified height in your wrapper, causing it to overlap since the height is not defined and starts from the top.

Another approach would be to define absolute positioning on the wrapper as well, using top and bottom properties to regulate the height.

It is advisable to remove the min-height attribute from all properties as it might disrupt other block elements.

min-height: 100%

Give this a try:

.wrapper {
    position: relative;
    overflow: hidden
.footer {
    position: absolute;
    bottom: 0;
    width: 100%;

For an example with absolute positioning on both wrapper and footer, check out this link.

Instead of focusing on "body height being 100% of browser height", consider attaching the footer at the bottom regardless of body or browser height. This approach ensures that the footer remains fixed at the bottom regardless of different browser dimensions.

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