Loading texts with the same color code via ajax will reveal there are differences among them

I am currently designing a webshop with green as the primary color scheme. Everything is functioning perfectly, but I have noticed that the text within an ajax loaded div appears brighter than it should be. The text that loads traditionally is noticeably darker, even though both texts use the exact same color code.

Unfortunately, I am unable to replicate the issue here without sharing the entire CSS and HTML files. However, here is a snippet of the text when the page loads normally:

<div class="primary-product-text vis-product-name">Knee push-in connector, black plastic, M6</div>

And here is a snippet from the dynamically loaded content:

<span class="primary-product-text">Knee push-in connector, black plastic, M6</span>


.primary-product-text {
    color: #01a85e;

.vis-product-name {
    display: block;
    height: 38px;

Link: The displayed products on this link feature a green color. If you click on the cart icon next to a product or search for "knee," you will notice that the same color code results in a brighter shade of green.

Answer №1

It appears that the issue may be related to browser rendering. Upon closer inspection, I observed that despite having identical CSS, the pixel output differs. This discrepancy could possibly be attributed to the font's thin nature and the presence of

-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;

Furthermore, upon reviewing the popup text, I noticed a variation in content. To address this, my recommendation would be to use the exact same text (specifically maintaining the minus between Knie and insteekkoppeling).

(the first image is from the web-page, while the second one is from the popup)

Answer №2

Identified the issue, turns out CSS animations were causing text rendering glitches. Multiple CSS animations including transform and scale were applied to both the container and individual divs.

To resolve this problem, I included the following CSS snippet in the main container class:

-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;

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