CSS selector for children up to a specific element is found

Is there a CSS selector that can target all descendants until a specific tag is reached?

For example, given the DOM structure below, I want to apply a selector to "id1" so that it styles all descendants up to but not including "id4". This means the divs corresponding to class1 and class2. While I know about id1 and id4 in advance, I do not have prior knowledge of class1 and class2 (there could be more in between). The goal is to style the divs corresponding to class1 and class2 without affecting others. Essentially, I need to modify the position of the div containing class1 and class2 while keeping other application divs unchanged.

Listing every div used is not ideal due to the large number of divs under the id "deep-nesting-of-known-divs-here" in the application.

<div id="id 1">
   <div class="class1">
       <div class="class2">
           <div id="id4">
               <div id="deep-nesting-of-known-divs-here">

The issue stems from an unexpected problem on Safari for a particular website. An extension injects an iframe into the page, followed by a script causing id2 and id3 to be inserted between id1 and id4. Consequently, the iframe does not display correctly.

Answer №1

Initially, it's worth noting that IDs may not serve as a suitable example in this scenario, as by their very nature, they are meant to be unique and easily identifiable - which contradicts the situation described in your case.

Regardless, here is a way to approach it - even though CSS does not offer an "until" selector, you can still target child elements. This means you have the option to either style all elements except #id4 or its children, or style all elements first and then reset the styles for those that are #id4 or its descendants:

/* targeting every div element that is not #id4 or its descendant */

#id1 :not(#id4) div:not(#id4) {
  background-color: red;

/* styling every div initially, then resetting for those that are #id4 or its descendant */

#id1 div {
  background-color: red;

#id1 #id4, #id1 #id4 div {
  background-color: transparent;

Answer №2

If you want to apply a style to all descendants and then reset for #id4, consider the following approach:

Here is an example:

#id1 div {
    color: red;
#id1 #id4 {
    color: black;

To be more specific in selecting your descendants, you can utilize attribute selectors before resetting for the target element:

#id1 [id^="id"] {
    color: red;
#id1 #id4 {
    color: black;

Answer №3

To effectively address this issue, consider utilizing CSS pseudo selectors. Check out the related documentation. A potential solution could involve assigning a common class name of id to all elements, followed by using the selector .id:not(:last-child). While there may be alternative approaches, this is my suggested method :-)

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