Is it possible for Penthouse to retrieve critical CSS while using javascript?

I am currently utilizing the laravel-mix-criticalcss npm package to extract the critical CSS of my website.

This package leverages Penthouse under the hood, and you can configure Penthouse settings in your webpack.mix.js within the critical options.

The Penthouse documentation states:

Typically, all elements that need styling in the critical CSS must be present (visible) in the HTML of your page with Javascript disabled.

However, achieving this requirement on our site may not be feasible. I understand that some Puppeteer settings can be provided in the penthouse configuration. Is there a way to enable JavaScript for this process?

Answer №1

One of the features includes a special setting called blockJSRequests.

When utilizing the mix.criticalCss() method, you can configure the options to include the following:
    penthouse: {
        blockJSRequests: false,

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