CSS: element misplaced at the top instead of the bottom where it belongs

The component with the ID of "#bottom-nav" actually appears at the top. I just designed this on CSS-board, so feel free to review the HTML and CSS code

Take a look at it on CSS-desk here

It is positioned at the very end of the page and includes a 'margin_top' property.

P.S. This element will only be visible when you resize the result window to full screen

Answer №1

Replace position: absolute; with position: relative;

When using absolute, the element is fixed to a specific position. However, other elements with relative positioning, such as your bottom navigation bar, will not pay attention to any CSS properties labeled as absolute.

Answer №2

Ensure that the CSS styling for #bottom-nav includes setting it to position:absolute, bottom:0, and width:100%. Make sure to also make any necessary adjustments to the margin and padding properties.

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