Can you tell me why the jquery datepicker control is only loading a portion of the CSS?

Working on a new C#/ASP.Net application and I decided to incorporate the datepicker control that I've used before. I transferred all the necessary components from my previous app to this one. The appearance of the datepicker in the old app was like this:

However, in the new app, it now looks like this:

While the background color is correct and the background gradient image for the word "Next" matches the Prev and Next arrows, the overall layout is completely out of order. Additionally, there seems to be an issue where the Year dropdown overlaps with the Prev button and the Month dropdown.

Answer №1

The JQuery-Ui datepicker/calendar tool consists of two main components: the Jquery code to create the object and its corresponding CSS file. However, if your version looks different from the original, it may be because the classes and IDs used are not in the same format as those defined for the calendar. To resolve this issue, you should compare both versions side by side and examine them closely. By doing so, you will notice a distinct set of classes that differentiate the two implementations.

It is important to ensure that both the jQueryUI and CSS files are consistent in order for all elements to align properly with each other.

In conclusion, once you apply the CSS correctly, your version of the calendar should closely resemble the original design.

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