Progress Bars Styled with CSS Percentages

I need help creating a basic CSS percentage bar.

To get started, visit and paste the following code:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">

#perc {
border:4px solid blue;
#perc_in {

<div id="perc"><div id="perc_in">100%</div></div>

There seems to be an issue with the red bar overlapping the blue border. Can you figure out why this is happening?

Answer №1

According to the W3C box model, both margins and padding contribute to the overall width of a <div>. This means that instead of occupying just 100% of the width, the element ends up taking more space, leading to an overflow beyond the blue border.

To address this issue, you need to modify the 3px margin applied to #perc_in by changing it to a 3px padding on #perc, while also removing the padding from #perc_in.

Below is the updated code snippet (inserted by Blaenk):

#perc {
    border:4px solid blue;

#perc_in {

Answer №2

The rationale behind this lies in the W3C box model. According to this model, the final width of an element is determined by adding together the values of the width and padding properties. For example, if you specify a width: 100% (which equals to 667 pixels) for an element and also set a padding of 3 pixels on both the left and right sides (totaling 6 px), the resulting width of the element would be: 667 + 3 + 3 = 673 pixels.

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