CSS disappears after selecting menu in JSF application with PrimeFaces

Whenever I click on a p:menuitem and update the content of a layoutunit, the CSS style of the layoutunit disappears. Strangely, when I refresh the page, the style magically reappears. Can anyone explain why this happens?

<p:layout id="plantillaPrincipal" fullPage="true">
            <p:layoutUnit id="cabe" position="north">

                <h:form id="bmenu">


                        <p:menuitem id="inicio" value="INICIO" actionListener="#{controlMenu.mostrarOpcion()}" update=":container">
                            <f:setPropertyActionListener value="inicio" target="#{controlMenu.opcion}"/>
                        <p:menuitem id="tarifas" value="TARIFAS" actionListener="#{controlMenu.mostrarOpcion()}" update=":container">
                            <f:setPropertyActionListener value="tarifas" target="#{controlMenu.opcion}"/>
                        <p:menuitem id="tasas" value="TASAS" actionListener="#{controlMenu.mostrarOpcion()}" update=":container">
                            <f:setPropertyActionListener value="tasas" target="#{controlMenu.opcion}"/>
                        <p:menuitem id="dudas" value="DUDAS" actionListener="#{controlMenu.mostrarOpcion()}" update=":container">
                            <f:setPropertyActionListener value="dudas" target="#{controlMenu.opcion}"/>
                        <p:menuitem id="consultas" value="CONSULTAS" actionListener="#{controlMenu.mostrarOpcion()}" update=":container">
                            <f:setPropertyActionListener value="consultas" target="#{controlMenu.opcion}"/>

            <p:layoutUnit id="container" position="center">
                <h:form id="fcont">
                    <ui:insert name="panelInicio">...</ui:insert>

This is the content of layoutunit that needs to be updated:


This is the managed bean used for handling menu options:


Answer №1

When trying to update LayoutUnits, remember that they lack a renderer. A solution is to insert a placeholder such as OutputPanel within the unit and perform updates on it instead.

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