What is the best way to maximize the use of the space available until reaching a div with varying dimensions each time

I have a div on the left that displays a name, and it can vary in length. On the right, there is another div with buttons. The number of buttons may change, so I am unsure how many will be displayed.

Is there a way to utilize only CSS to make sure the first div takes up all available space before reaching the second?

It is crucial for me to keep these two divs on the same line at all times.

This is the desired outcome:

Answer №1

To receive a more effective response, be sure to include some code in your query.

The way your content is presented will ultimately determine the best approach.

If it's for a menu, using ul li a and applying the CSS attribute Display: inline-block should align them horizontally.

Upon reevaluation, divs will require a different solution.

Absolute positioning may work, but providing a snippet of the code you've attempted would make troubleshooting easier.

Answer №2

If you want to arrange elements in a table-like layout, you can utilize the display:table property for the parent element and display:table-cell for the child elements. It is recommended not to specify any widths and prevent wrapping of content.

For example, consider the following structure:


    <div>first content</div>
    <div>second content</div>


div {box-sizing:border-box;display:table;border:1px solid red;width:100%;}
div > div {border:0px;display:table-cell;white-space:nowrap}

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