The presence of '<!DOCTYPE html>' causes my website's content to compress

After including !DOCTYPE html, I noticed that the first section of my website is shrinking even though its height is set at 120%. I attempted various solutions from stack overflow like setting the height of HTML and body to 100%, but none of them resolved the issue.

Here is the CSS that causes the first section to shrink:

   height: 120%;

However, when I use this CSS instead, the first section displays properly:

   height: 600px;

Interestingly, switching from using percentage to px resolves the issue. Ideally, I would like my first section to be responsive to percentage values.

Answer №1

   margin: 0;
   padding: 0;
   margin: 0;
   padding: 0;

When designing your website, be mindful of potential issues with unwanted margins and paddings on your body or elements with the "first-section" class.

Answer №2

<!DOCTYPE HTML> does not impact the appearance or functionality of your webpage. It merely informs the browser that the content being displayed is an HTML document.

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