CSS code for creating thumbnail images that enlarge when hovered over

I currently have a series of thumbnails in a row (within container elements) set to float left. These thumbnails are resized to fit neatly within the row.

<style type="text/css">
    .thumbnails img{
        /* ... */

My goal is to display a larger version of each thumbnail when a user hovers over it:

<style type="text/css">
    /* adding on to the previous styles... */
    .th_selector:hover img{




When hovering over a thumbnail, the enlarged image appears as intended. However, I'm encountering two issues: 1) The other thumbnails shift one position to the left, ending up below the pop-up image and potentially causing flickering based on mouse location. 2) In the case of a smaller window with multiple rows of thumbnails, there is an undesirable line-break.

How can I maintain the original positions of all thumbnails while achieving a visually appealing hover effect?

Answer №1

.thumbnails {
    width: 65px;
    margin-right: 10px;
.thumbnails img{
.thumbnails:hover img {


When coding, it is advisable to avoid using the "position absolute" declaration because it removes the element from the document flow. This causes elements positioned on the right side to collapse under the absolutely positioned element.

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