Gradually reveal each individual path of the SVG, one by one

I am faced with an SVG containing numerous paths like the following:

<svg version="1.1"
     id="svg2" inkscape:version="0.91 r13725" sodipodi:docname="drawing.svg" xmlns:sodipodi="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:cc="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:inkscape=""
     xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" width="400px" height="411.174px"
     viewBox="-468.068 410.987 400 411.174" enable-background="new -468.068 410.987 400 411.174" xml:space="preserve">
<g id="layer1" inkscape:label="Capa 1" inkscape:groupmode="layer">
    <g id="g3341" transform="translate(-5498.7634,510.10841)" inkscape:label="completebody:x0.00:x0.00:x0.00:x0.00:x0.00:x0.00">

            <g id="g63451" transform="translate(-5600.6166,-1161.19179528)" inkscape:label="completebody:z180.00:y180.00:x0.00:z0.00:y0.00:x0.00">

                <path class="path" id="path63453" inkscape:label="Face:4354" fill="#ffffff" stroke="#B2B2B2" stroke-width="0.25" stroke-linejoin="round" d="

                <path class="path" id="path63455" inkscape:label="Face:3499" fill="#FFFFFF" stroke="#B2B2B2" stroke-width="0.25" stroke-linejoin="round" d="

                <path class="path" id="path63457" inkscape:label="Face:3527" fill="#FFFFFF" stroke="#B2B2B2" stroke-width="0.25" stroke-linejoin="round" d="


I would like to explore a method of gradually fading in each path from opacity 0 to 1 sequentially. I am unsure of the specific approach to achieving this effect, so any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Answer №1

Recently accomplished this task by iterating through each <path> element using jQuery

var timeBetweenEach = 15;
var fadeSpeed = 200;

$('.yourPathClass')).each(function(i, path){
   $(path).delay(timeBetweenEach * i).fadeIn(fadeSpeed, function(){
  //Successfully animated this path        

Remember to include…


…for all your <paths>, in order for the fadeIn effect to take place

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