Toggle between bold and original font styles with Javascript buttons

I am looking to create a button that toggles the text in a text area between bold and its previous state. This button should be able to switch back and forth with one click.

function toggleTextBold() {
  var isBold = false;
  if (isBold) {
    // Code to unset text as bold
  } else {
    // Code to set text as bold
<button onclick="toggleTextBold()">TOGGLE BOLD</button>

  Enter Text:
  <input type="text" name="your text" id="entertext">

Answer №1

If you want to achieve this effect, Jquery can help you out

Form Section

<button class="toggleStyle">TOGGLE</button>
  Input Text:
  <input type="text" name="userInput" id="textInput">

Jquery Script

$(".toggleStyle").click(function() {

CSS Styling

.style { font-style: italic; }

Answer №2

To make text bold, you can create a class specifically for bold formatting and then apply or remove that class from the text element as needed.

Avoid using HTML event attributes to attach event handlers to DOM objects because:

  • They result in messy code that is difficult to read and often leads to redundant code.
  • They introduce global wrapper functions around your custom function, affecting the binding of this within the event handling function.
  • They do not adhere to the standards outlined in the W3C DOM Event specification.

It's recommended to handle all event bindings in JavaScript and utilize the .addEventListener() method.

// Access DOM elements
var btn = document.getElementById("btnToggleBold");
var txt = document.getElementById("txtInput");

// Listen for button click event and toggle bold class on text element
btn.addEventListener("click", function(){
/* This class will be toggled when the button is clicked */
.bold {font-weight:bold; }
    <button id="btnToggleBold">BOLD</button>
    Enter Text:
    <input type="text" name="txtInput" id="txtInput">

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