Creating circular animation in CSS3 Keyframes to give the illusion of a static image while it runs

I am using CSS3 Keyframes to create an image circle that appears to be running like a wheel without actually moving from its position.

Below is the CSS code I have implemented:

.step_7 { 
background: url(../images/step7.png) no-repeat center top, url(../images/outer_glow.png) no-repeat 0 -7px; 
top: 377px;
left: 417px;
height: 104px;
z-index: 4;
@-webkit-keyframes circle-run 

.animation {
    -webkit-animation: circle-run 2s infinite;

Javascipt :

 $('.btn1_inv').click(function () {

Here is a sample of my code :

After implementing the above code, my element seems to move slightly. How can I correct this issue? Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

Are you asking why it appears unsteady? It's due to the difference in width and height, causing it not to be a perfectly circular shape.

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